Eliška Číková
Active member/editor
Volunteer, working at DELL Technical Support
”A scientist is a person who is almost convinced of something “
Jules Renard
Veronika Trembošová
Active member
"Let's look for a way for teachers to teach less and for pupils to understand more."
Jan Amos Komenský
Anna Zahoranová
Active member / trial maker
"like to do things I know nothing about. Therefore, after completing my study of Biomedical Physics at FMFI UK, I started my doctorate at the Institute of Polymers of SAS. I have been working at this institute until now, currently as a postdoc. I prepare poly (2-oxazoline) hydrogels and nanoparticles, but you can often meet me at the Researchers' Night, the Open Days or the Find a Scientist in You. Just look for a table around which is the biggest mess.“
Marta Šoltésová Prnová
Active member
"Nothing in life is to be feared, everything just needs to be understood."
Marie Curie-Skłodowská
Viliam Pavlík
Active member / chemical GURU
"Do you remember the wonderful feeling of mixing all the spices in your mother's kitchen as a kid? :D :D :D".